Tuesday, December 12, 2006


WHERE TO BEGIN Uuugh. For me, posting the first words and photo to my blog is akin to typing the first sentence of a great big novel. Or drawing down the first stroke on a bare canvas. Where do I start? What could possibly do justice to the beginning of Above A Chinese Restaurant? Hmmm... This photo of me from Bermuda in late spring will have to suffice for now. Maybe I should wait till I get to Africa to add anything more...stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Out in Africa...Alex's first trip to the bush...can't wait to hear updates!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your first report, and we won't be having any of that jane Goodall shit. We want the dirt, nighlife, mating habbits, that sort of thing, and in technicolor too! And don;t forget about my gorilla hand ashtray either!

Anonymous said...

Dear Romy,

In San Francisco, missing you terribly. Hope you're having the time of your life. So excited for an update.

Love, Michele

Anonymous said...

Very relieved to get your e-mail. Your adventure sounds wonderful; can't wait to see the multimedia presentation. Have you gotten your hair shampooed yet?